This is a video I made of the swim start of the 2014 Augusta 70.3 Half Ironman triathlon. This is the largest half ironman event in the world with over 3,400 registrants. The race consists of a 1.2 mile swim down the Savannah River, starting in downtown Augusta. That is followed up by a 56 mile bike ride and then a 13.1 mile run. You can find out more about it here: augustahalfironman.com.
The swim event consists of 'waves' comprised of age-grouped athletes such as 'Men 30-34', etc. A new wave is started every 3 minutes with the first wave going off at 7:30 and the last wave at 9:20...you can see a unique view of that in the time lapse at the beginning of the video.
You'll notice a lot of aerial footage in this video. You can see more of my projects at FeatherCloudProductions.com