Journey to Hear: Restoring Childhood Sounds
Journey to Hear: Restoring Childhood Sounds
Added on 23 Jan 2025
Watched 3,337 times

So today, I wanted to share with you from the field, how it feels to be a part of a campaign that’s going to change the lives of a lot of children. This campaign, the interesting thing about this campaign is that we will give another opportunity for the lives of children to be able to hear again. We will implant “cochlea” and hearing devices for 80 children, 80 children coming from Syria, different cities from Syria to Turkey, specifically to a city called Hatay.

And once I heard a saying that said, “The hand that does good in the world is the hand that’s changed the world.” And by doing operations for those kids, we are giving them hope, we are giving them a future, we are giving them another opportunity in life.

One of the shocking things I learned today is that people who cannot hear cannot speak. It was shocking. Why is hearing related to speaking? So I discovered that because they never experienced hearing voices, they cannot speak. They cannot speak because they never heard voices. So now we are giving them an opportunity to hear the voices of their families, other kids, and the voice of the world. And after that, they will be able to speak to the world. And I believe that when they will grow up, they will never forget this moment, and they will be able to do good to other kids.

So be with me. I will film the reaction of the family, the reaction of the kids when they will be able to hear for the first time in their life, and share all this with you.

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